Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Dear ASD and Dubai-

I have some complaints.

Will you please just move the little kids to the new campus!  This drive is exhausting this mama! It is defining my life!  45 minutes to get to school is just too much to bear! 45 minutes is a long time for 3 children to stay pleasant with one another. 45 minutes is a long time for mama to listen to kids bop halloween songs.  45 minutes there and back is 90 minutes in the car!   Oh where do I fit my coffee time in?  I am waking at 5:30AM to pack lunches, make breakfasts and wake up 3 little sleepy heads!  Luke Bryant wails "I need a break from school!".  Blake Bryant got carsick on the way home today and barfed on her new Harry Potter and my new Weuthering Heights book that realistically I would have never read..BUT STILL!  Olivia Bryant stares into space the first 30 minutes she is awake and can't seem to manage putting on any articles of clothing or shoes even though her mother asks her to 1 MILLION TIMES.  And while I am at is October!  Could you please cool off like everyone has been telling me you would!  I am tired of sweat occurring in unmentionable places!  I am tired of constantly needing a shower!  I am tired of my camera lens fogging up if I try to take some shots outdoors from massive obscene amounts of humidity!  I am tired of my poor offspring feeling so exhausted by the time they trek to the car and ride the 45 minute ride home with red little faces and whines of thirst!  Enough is enough!  OH!  And DUBAI, would you mind unblocking my SKYPE, my window to my family and friends?  AND Would you mind letting my cable work again so I can sit on my couch and cry and watch amazing brave minors be rescued!  AND, while you are taking care of all this for me could you open a Marshalls and a mexican food place that serves margaritas?

Woooooo- That felt better.  Off to bed!  Come on Dubai, Bring on tomorrow!  I'll greet you with a smile!


  1. Go on and vent girl! I'd say that was a pretty good one! Seriously though. 45 minutes both ways! That is a whipping! I feel your pain. When Ethan went to private school for 5 years it took me 30 minutes there and 30 minutes back! He started public school here this year and it is "A whole new world!" (insert singing voice there!) Hang in there! Erin

  2. I love it! I will be the first one to buy your first novel! Tomorrow is a new day right? We all have days like this - even on this side of the world! Two of the kids went through the stomach bug last week and I needed a vacation when it was all over. You just need a good cold front or a good glass of wine and life will be good! Do you get cold fronts there? If anyone can take the heat - it's you man!!

  3. Go Emily!!! You are rock solid in your venting! I love that you are perfectly normal!!!!!!! Stay strong, honey.

  4. If I send you one of those buckets of margarita mix, will it help? Probably not. Those warm chips and red and green salsas have a lot to do with making that margarita taste so right. :( Feeling useless now...

    So good to know you are not trying to be stoic through all this. You deserve a *month* of venting! I can't help thinking - where do you go potty on a 45 minute ride through the desert? I'd be toast.

    And 5:30 a.m.? Shoot me now! I was feeling sorry for myself that I had to get up at 6:15 to get Kate on the middle school bus. I will *not* whine about that even once more. I will say to myself - think of Emily - with 4 kids, in a desert, riding 180 minutes in the car EVERY DAY!

    May God bless you and keep you close to His heart always. You are a trooper - more prayers coming your way!!

  5. Hang in there Emily, Think of you and pray all the time for you. You are special!!
    Love You,
