Sunday, August 8, 2010

Our First Week Down!

Well, that concludes week 1 in Dubai!  I wish I had some really blog-worthy tales to tell!  But all I got are trips to the grocery store, many things being fixed and hung, many trips to the neighborhood swimming pool and 1 mom trying to learn the ropes around here!  I am proud to report that I drove to the Spinney's (grocery store) twice in one day without getting lost!  Okay, so it is only 2 minutes away..but it's a start!

We have been baby-proofing the villa and trying to get our pool back to normal!  Apparently, our pool company decided not to come for the month of July and the pool started to turn a nice shade of pond green!  This has been a real bummer because it is the main source of entertainment around here!  Luckily, the neighborhood pool is across the street and the kids really love going there to check out what new friends they can make for the day!  I met a really nice mom from Switzerland that has lived in Dubai for 9 years (poor thing, her husband did not make the 3 year promise) and has 3 kids.  Blake and Olivia were very excited to meet Ashley, her daughter who had lots of Littlest Pet Shops(little animal figurines) with her at the pool.  They called them "bobble-heads" (in a thick english accent) and wanted to trade!  Their mother and I talked and talked and she gave me lots of scoop!  It was extremely therapeutic for me to visit with her and hear all about her experiences as a mom in Dubai.  It was a Thursday and she informed me that this was "Mummy/Daddy" go-out night in Dubai!  So I marched home and told Deric  "it is "Mummy/Daddy" go-out night and we must GO OUT!!!" Remember Thursday starts the weekend here.

So we called a cab (NO drinking and driving WHATSOEVER here!) and headed out to dinner.  You are probably wondering who stayed with the kids.  Well, as many of you know Deric and I now have help!  We have a lovely Sri-Lankan couple who live with us..Latha and Anura.  It is a long story on how we came to know them but just know that they are wonderful and a true blessing to us!  More later on that!

Other thoughts from the week..It is HOT here!  It is a heat that makes you feel like you can't breathe! (in my opinion)...We venture out to the neighborhood pool around 6 and it still smoldering...The grocery stores have everything I could ever need..even velveeta!  Woooo-hooooo!  We went to a really cool furniture store and bought a computer desk.  The wood furniture here is so beautiful and you don't have to pay the import cost!  

Last night we took the kids to dinner at the world's largest mall next to the world's largest building and watched a very large fountain show!  Oh and did I mention we parked our car in the world's hottest parking garage?  The malls here are amazing and the people watching is facinating...Including the people watching us! hahaha..

Cheers from Dubai- Next post...Pics of the villa...Still decorating!

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