Hello!!!! I think I am awake now!
So we have made it to jolly London and are having a great, sleepy time! Ha- The flight went well...I got to sit in the front row with Lilly and Deric sat farther back with the other three. Poor Liv couldn't fall asleep and probably only slept 2 hours...this made for much grouchiness when we got off. Lilly slept like and champ and charmed the people around us with her sinister laugh!
Our little flat in London is so so nice! The staff has been so friendly and have not even minded that our children eat all the candy off their front desk every time we leave the building!!! Our first day here we had some lunch and came back to the flat to sleep!!! We were all so exhausted..especially mama and daddy! Then we headed out and started seeing the sites..We have been riding around on the double decker tour bus which is fun...We spent a lot of time yesterday at Kensington Gardens which is where the memorial to Princess Di is..It is all centered around kids..beautiful parks and playgrounds...We then toured the entire city on the bus...We sat up top and learned alot about the history of London..When I say we I mean Deric and I...This is the moment when all children passed out! The weather is so nice..cool and a little cloudy...We even needed sweaters last night!
We are just waking up and getting ready for day 2....The girls and I are seeing Wicked today and we are going to ride the London Eye-
It was so hard leaving home the other day...I am not sure how I will do this but like my dad says..One day at a time-
Emily, I love this idea! Your aunt Linda is SO right! And I just read all you have written so far and nearly cried once and laughed out loud several times. Your writing is really fun to read. The pictures are great and I'm so excited to take this journey with you guys, kind of. ;) It's great to see your family whole again, even if it is really far away. I hope you are all able to keep the homesickness at bay most of the time, and that you keep us posted here. You know, with all that spare time you have just sitting around doing nothing? lol Love to you all!